>> Josh Muir at Cafe Delmarette

For a while now, I have been a "curator" at the delightful Cafe Delmarette. The Delmarette is a lovely place wherein the people get down with the daily rhythms and make good food. All produce is bought from the local farmer's market. Pastries are baked every morning using organic butter, sugar, and flour-- with seasonal fruits in the fold. The food and folk are inspiration enough. Within the space are humble-scaled buttery yellow walls. These walls hold the work of a local artist for the duration of the calendar month. Each month we host an opening during the First Friday Art Walk, usually from 7-9pm.

For the month of August, the work of Josh Muir will be up. Josh is an artist, bike-frame builder, awl-maker, musician, and strong critical thinker & mover.


With an active vision for the community, he started the volunteer-sustained Bike Church, a non-profit where folks can come by to educate themselves on every manner related to bicycles and their ride-sustaining functionality. >>http://bikechurch.santacruzhub.org/

Josh Muir, with the help of artist Ann Altstatt, installed old drafts of his hand-drawn plans for his hand-built bicycle frames. Hung from eyelets in the ceiling is a stunning hand-built frame. If you're around, come enjoy a cup of coffee and a house made delight. If you're further away for the time being, look here >> http://www.francescycles.com
